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Ann-Kathrin Schmitz (23)

"Motho ke Motho ka Batho."

engl.: A person is a person because of other people.

Currently, I am studying Geography in my six semesters.

How I came to BIMUN/SINUB e.V. and the ExCom? During my semester abroad in Tartu, Estonia. I met friends who are members of a MUN and they shared their experiences with me. Through the exchange I became very curious and attended the first get togethers from Estonia via Zoom. The relaxed and fun atmosphere during the meetings aroused my interest very much, but also the basic idea behind MUN of international political and cultural exchange attracted me very much to become an active member in the executive board of BIMUN/SINUB e.V. I am responsible for the fundraising department and in close contact with our sponsors. Together with Mirjam we write grant applications, search for potential sponsors and are in close contact with the finance department to make sure that there are enough donations for our big conference.

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My favorite place in Bonn: Poppelsdorfer Schloss


On a desert island I take with me: A playlist with great music


As a superhero I’d like to have this superpower: Flying

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